3️⃣Our mission

BlockCarbon aims to provide interested participants access to decentralized carbon finance using the Cardano blockchain. We want to achieve this without hype or hyper- financialization, showcasing testnet solution and measured discussion instead of get-rich- quick incentives. By making Carbon offsets and emission allowances part of the growing Decentralized Finance investment universe, both sides benefit. DeFi will get access to an exciting new asset class that is likely to appreciate in value as regulation and demand from individuals and industry will result in rising prices. Climate goals will be easier to achieve if problems of current offset schemes – namely greenwashing, double counting, non- additionality, non-permanence, corruption, lack of transparency, lack of standards, low project quality in terms of realized mitigation outcome – are addressed taking advantage of smart contracts (trustless, auditable, super-fast, low-cost and automated).

To avoid climate catastrophe, unfortunately altruism won't be able to get the job done. That's where DeFi comes in, which is the ideal platform to move the needle on carbon prices - currently $5/t for voluntary aviation offsets as an example, versus the $500- $3000/t social, environmental and economic cost of carbon cited by academic research. Staking yield through tokenized projects and the (badly needed) appreciation of carbon prices will prove an extremely powerful combination in our option. BlockCarbon were given the mandate by the Cardano community vote to define a Carbon pricing standard and create an exchange. We are excited about this huge challenge.

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